Demoscene News

The Grid

The Grid, a Polish group, released two productions: a mag called theBeast, issue 4, and a goa music disk called "Pragnienie". The latter doesn't work on Windows XP.

Two versions of theBeast #4 are available - "high" and "soft", the former being a 21mb download featuring 3D animations. The next issue might additionally have a corner in English language.

Download links:



Monk.the Grid^the Beast staff

Nasty Bugs

Nasty Bugs has got a new member, class "coder", nickname "m3nt0r". He has been programming for about ten years now; however, only the last two years he worked on demo related stuff. He will be responsible for most of the graphics part of the NB productions.

Franky + Gree

New "web music disk" now available at


Altparty has released a paper magazine called altmag. They don't have anything about it on their website but their new website (which will be released soon) will probably have. The new website is probably worth a mention too:

Some scene musicians (crud, badloop, jobe, jean9 and pinza) were interviewed in a Finnish radio program called Avaruusromua, which focuses on ambient and experimental stuff. The interview was done at Assembly and aired 18th of August. Also some of their songs were played. 4t may have also been interviewed, but if he was, it wasn't in the same program. is a link to the program and is their playlist, in Finnish but anyway.

As you can see, they also played lackluster's music earlier, lackluster = distance/tpolm. And it seems they've played crud, jean9, 4t and badloop before... Probably Jukka Mikkola (the man behind the program) found the website of the kahvi netlabel (


OpenGL 2.0

Some PDF presentations can be found here.



On this day, September 4th 2003, I officially quit the demoscene and the scene altogether. I have my own reasons for doing this and will not come back on this decision. I am moving on.

I would like to apologize for any wrongdoings and thank paranomia nextempire and tristar red sector members who were friends to me.

I genuinely wish the *very best* to all of you...

Kozmik R.I.P 1985 - 20003

Hugi under Linux

The Windows version of Hugi runs in Linux under WINE - Windows emulator. The fonts are anti-aliased, so Hugi/Linux looks even better than on Windows.


Physical models of sound

At a Stanford university webpage there are applied-mathematics-based physical models of sound of real instruments. Perhaps they may be an inspiration for some of the sound / 64k intro coders among you.

All these examples were written by Julius Orion Smith III, he is a professor of Stanford university. On his site he has a lot of his own full-volume books and tutorials on digital synthesis, including models for all those sounds.


Collected by Adok/Hugi